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Replacing Worn Garage Door Rollers? Here's How to Choose Between Steel and Nylon Rollers

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Steel and nylon garage door rollers are undoubtedly the most popular options on the market today. Both are durable and sturdy as compared to plastic ones. This is why choosing between the two can be a tough choice. Unfortunately, despite competing stiffly, these two materials are inherently different in performance. Thus, before making a choice, it's essential to have an in-depth understanding of this. As you go shopping, here are four questions that will help you choose the best garage door rollers for your needs:

How Long Will the Rollers Last?

While both steel and nylon rollers are durable, they don't perform the same. Steel can last up to around a decade when maintained properly. However, neglect and poor maintenance practices can significantly shorten the lifespan of your new rollers. On the other hand, nylon rollers are known to last over a decade. With proper maintenance, your new rollers can serve you up to twenty years. Therefore, if you're looking for the most durable material, nylon is your best bet.

Will the Garage Door Rollers Produce Unbearable Noise?

There's nothing more annoying than dealing with a noisy garage. Unfortunately, if you choose steel rollers, you have to put up with the noise. Since steel is a metal, the rollers produce annoying sounds as the garage door travels along the tracks. This gets worse if you fail to lubricate the rollers. On the other hand, nylon rollers are impressively quiet during operation. If they start squealing, you need to lubricate them.

How Much Maintenance Work Do the Rollers Require? 

Not everyone is impressed with the idea of working on their garage door every other weekend. If you're such a person, opt for garage door rollers that are low maintenance. In this case, nylon is your best choice. Nylon rollers are easy to maintain. They only require regular lubrication to work properly. On the other hand, steel rollers may suffer corrosion when exposed to moisture and chemicals. Therefore, you have to clean and lubricate them regularly to prevent wear.

What's the Cost of the Rollers?

Steel rollers tend to be more affordable than nylon rollers. But as you make a purchase, look beyond the initial cost. The high maintenance requirements of steel may cost you more in repairs and rust removal in the long run. Additionally, since nylon is more durable than steel, you may have to replace your rollers sooner than if you went for nylon. Thus, as you make a budget, think about both the short-term and long-term cost implications of your purchase.

Both steel and nylon rollers are great options for your garage door. However, the best choice boils down to your individual preferences. Whatever material you choose, hire a professional garage contractor for installation. 

Speak with a professional who works with roller doors to learn more. 
